Process Safety Perfomance Indicators - PSPIs
Major incidents continue to occur in the process industries yet investigations reveal that effective management using Process Safety Performance Indicators (PSPIs) and PSM Audit programmes could have reduced the risk of such occurrences.
Developing effective safety performance indicators is not always straightforward. A balanced approach that considers leading as well as lagging indicators is the best way to manage major hazards, whilst avoiding the pitfall of creating an unwieldy system where counting becomes more important than action.
It is clearly not enough to monitor key performance indicators if nobody is responding to them:-
- Is there someone responsible for collating the data?
- Is the data easy to collect?
- Is the data simple and structured so that only relevant info is presented at each management level?
- How often is the information collected? In a trial period it is good to collect it as often as possible.
- Who is considering the information? It should be a good mixture of people, health and safety professionals, process operators, senior management.
- Are there systems in place to highlight when the data shows that key risk controls are not working?
However the information is presented, it should clearly show where the company is performing well and where there are shortcomings.
PSMmonitor provides all that the operator needs in terms of realtime data acquisition and action management. The flexible, customisable KPI widgets can be set to display for job roles and users presenting a clear picture of the status of lead and lag indicators in line with PSM best practice.
PSMmonitor Resources
Importing audit actions into Action Tracking
Excel spreadsheet action items and PHA followups into Action Tracking